Tuesday, November 29, 2005

So much for empty promises

And so it goes. My promise to post weekly has failed. No sense attempting to justify my lack of prose. Suffice to say, I haven't had anything to say, lest I become one of those bloggers...blogites...bloggies. What is the politically correct term anyway?

Speaking of politically correct, I have decided that I have bigger issues this "Holiday" season than I normally would. Unfortunately, the issues are steeped in religion. So I'll try to be considerate of all you fascist heathens out there. Here's my beef. Why do people have yule logs so far up their chimneys as to care how other people decorate for the (dare I say it) Christmas holiday? Sure, I can appreciate the issue with the church and state. No fraternization with the enemy. Don't mix anything political with any thing religious. Don't say the pledge of allegiance or use American currency. Heaven forbid.

But this is the season of opening your hearts for your fellow man. This is the season for accepting the choices made by others and embracing our diversity. This is the season to be jolly. So why are we so far off the mark? Why is the minority dictating to the majority? (Let's face it, there are more Americans that celebrate Christmas than all the other recognized seasonal/religious events combined.) I'm not anti-Semitic, nor do I have any issues toward the celebration of the harvest or the honoring of the solstice, I'm not even a devout catholic. I just believe that a Christmas tree should be called a Christmas tree without the automatic association to Christ. It's a tradition after all, not a religious ceremony. And don't be offended when someone says, "Merry Christmas." They're not trying to convert you to anything, they are simply wishing you well. It's as bad as someone being offended at the words "Bless you" when you sneeze.

Now I certainly empathize with the Jews and the Muslims and the Pagans and even the Scientologists who don't have as popular of a tradition as the Christians. But you don't have to believe in Christ to believe in the spirit of giving and peace on Earth or good will toward man. (I will give exception to the liberal interpretations found in the Koran/Quran. Apparently there are those of the Islam faith that believe there will only be peace on Earth when all infidels are removed: ergo jihad - "Effort and progress" through war and intolerance of course.)

So, now that I've spewed my opinion, I'll wish everyone "A politically correct, non-denominational period of time to be no less than one Gregorian calendar month, yet no greater than two, to which one should find that "thing(s)" which make them release serotonin."

And gesundheit.