Thursday, August 1, 2013

Charmed I'm Sure.

I restarted this blog as a means to assist my depression therapy and while I find the process cathartic, I also find it beneficial to share pearls of wisdom.......or at least what I find helpful to artists reading these posts.  Of course, if you notice, I haven't been too prolific as of late.  Not my fault! I swear!  I've been busy.  Between work, rehearsals and shows, I've hardly enough time to maintain proper hygiene, let alone write in my blog. Still, there are moments of clarity that prompt me to share.  I find that if I take note of the positive things and deposit them here, I'm likely to remember them and keep applying them to my career and my life in general.

So the past month has been full of experiences that have re-invigorated me and have given me the drive to push forward.  Some of the opportunities were of my own doing, some were a result of something else I'd done and then there were some despite my own doing.  The Recap:

*The Producers:  Super Summer Theater - Sept 2013 - Roger De Bris
I'll start with this one since it goes back the farthest.  I was cast a few years back in The Rocky Horror Show and impressed upon the director my acting/comedic/singing talent.  That led to him asking me to play the role of John in Oleanna.  That performance received some critical acclaim and praise.  Fast forward to a couple of months ago.  He's directing The Producers and wants me to audition. My confidence is much higher than in years past, but I still have to bring it.  The role was mine to lose.  The show opens in five weeks.  I'm loving it.

*Raiding the Rock Vault:  Las Vegas Hotel - Summer 2013 - Nash Freeman (host)
This one has the most impact.  Never let anyone tell you to not audition for a role. If you think you have a shot, then go for it.  So it was when the original call for actors came on this rock concert style show.   I was told by a fellow actor not to audition.....I was too old.  I trusted the individual as a peer and much to my chagrin should never have even considered his opinion. Whether or not I would have been cast is irrelevant.  The fact remains that I was cast as the understudy for the exact role I was told I was too old for.   Two additional notes: 1-I was recommended by a friend to audition.  There were not public notices. 2-I was the only one that bothered to memorize the lines for the audition and the call backs.

*Caesars Entertainment: Training Video - Filming first week in August
Another instance of being cast without an audition.  Having impressed upon my director for Sudoku the Musical at the LVLT Fringe Festival, he recommended me for the shoot to the production company hired to do the shoot.

*Los Acusados: Independent Film - Filming Late August
Yet again, cast without an audition.  I was actually planning on auditioning for this production, but couldn't get out of work.  The director got my name from another short film I'd done about a year ago.  The director of that recommended me.  

I think you see the trend here.  The work you do now may have residual effects months even years later. If you are professional and prepared, it will be noticed.   If you believe in yourself, you can overcome assumptions and misconceptions.  Even if you don't land that desired role, if you show who you are and give your best, someone will remember you.  Be honest and true.  Give respect to the process and the process will work for you.

Now those of you actually following my sporadic posts know that I've been lucky with having a number of recent casting offered to me without auditioning.  While that may be true, I didn't get cast in just as many. And I passed on ones that I didn't see myself doing.  The difference here is that I'm moving in a direction where $$ is playing a factor.  So much so that had I gotten the LVH gig from the get go, I'd be banking more for 15 hours a week than I do for 40 at my day job.  I'm still about the craft. But Damn!  It's nice to be paid.

So as a reminder to myself.  Don't let the discouragement prevent you from being great.  Don't let the opportunities be wasted with half-hearted effort.  Don't allow others to determine your path.  The worst anyone can say is "No".  But even that "No" can lead to a yes later on.  Some very positive feelings here.

I didn't add the week I spent at Faith Lutheran H.S. for the annual Mellow Dramatists camp. I think that deserves its own post.  I also didn't mention the permanent hiatus of the Radio Show, Curtain Call either. More on that to come later as well.  Don't let me forget.

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