Wednesday, November 7, 2007

2nd attempt

All seems well enough using Contribute instead of directly logging into Blogger to post my musings, however sparse and infrequent they may be. Regardless, these postings will be for my own amusement anyway as no one really reads this stuff anyway. So I have resigned myself to just doing it for the sake of habit. The habit that is to just write.

I've been toying with the idea of writing again (primarily the screenplay thing again) and this should get me in the motivational spirit; something I've been lacking all too much if you've paid any attention to the history of my web log/journal/pseudo conformist thinga-ma-bob. I attended a writing workshop a few weeks back through the Second City and I was hoping that would boost my spirits. Joe Kelly, current writer for "How I Met Your Mother" and former SNL writer was host and there was some discussion of how he goes about his daily job. Although interesting from a layman's perspective, I had actually hoped he would prompt some actual writing from us. I was all set to spend the day writing and getting a professional opinion back, but essentially all we did was play "pretend pitch session". Again, interesting, but not motivational enough. Granted, his take on cracking into the business was not very motivational either. It obviously helps if you know someone, otherwise, you'll be spending a lot of time writing and submitting with no real expectations. I knew all this already, which is why the actual act of writing is hard for me. When I wrote/co-wrote "The Shroud", it was because there was interest in it already and there was a time crunch to get it done. Even with other writings I've managed to complete, there was some underlying reason to finish the script. Albeit none of them panned out, but at the time, possibility was a huge motivating factor. Now with the current WGA strike, what's the motivation?

"Just do it!" keeps popping into my mind.

"You're unemployed."

"You're not doing anything productive anyway."

"You've got ideas, start putting them down." also seem to be nagging at my cerebral cortex.

But whatever the roadblock (probably the same one that prevents me from sticking to an exercise routine), it needs to have NDOT work on it. Nevertheless, I am at least partially committed to continue the writing venture. I may have to keep clicking away at the blog for awhile, but at least that's a strart. Perhaps all the writing in the blog will pay off. Stay tuned.

Oh and before I forget, I tried posting a pic through this app, but it wouldn't let me. I'm trying again with all the bells and whistles of my FTP being (crossed fingers) functional.

Damn! It's not me but the Blogger Server. Apparently if I want to add a cute lol cat or whatever, I have to do it through the actual site...........I'm not done trying though.

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